Who's that Pokémon!?

I am loving all of the hype Pokémon is getting this year! PokémonGO debuted earlier this year, and later in November Pokémon Sun and Moon will be available! (already pre-ordered of course)

Since there are over 700 Pokémon to choose from currently, (not including the new ones already revealed for the new games) I figured what better way to practice my illustration skills than to illustrate some cute Pokes!

Exeggutor has been the topic of discussion lately around all the new Alolan Pokémon we’ve been seeing! It’s said that this is the true from of Exeggutor and that the strong sun rays in the Alola region caused it’s neck to stretch super high! Also, he’s apparently a dragon type now. Who knew? He was super fun to illustrate as well!

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