Black Lives Matter

I printed this last week. Black people are underrepresented in both tech and design, so I felt like it was important to try to start a conversation around Black Lives Matter in my world, IBM. I was, and still am nervous, about putting this up at work. It’s a touchy subject, it’s political, it’s controversial. But I hope it will serve as a conversation starter, not a wedge. The text on the poster is from Reddit, a description of why “Black Lives Matter” and “All Lives Matter” aren’t quite the same. Great read if you’re interested:

I’ve already been approached by a few folks at work, black, non-black, all a bit surprised, thanking me saying something. It’s something, they said, that they had never heard a peep about at work. That’s validation enough for me. I’m going to try to do a reprint soon, with a more mail-able version of these (thinner paper, folded), so if you or someone you know wants or needs this, let me know and I’ll do my best to mail it to you eventually.

"Let's come together as a nation, and keep faith in one another, in order to ensure a future where all of our children know that their lives matter." — Barack Obama

Posted on Oct 10, 2016

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