- inspirational screensaver that shows gifs you like

I'm super excited to present you the - Screensaver for Mac (and Windows soon!), revolutionary (by my humble opinion) screensaver that shows random GIFs. You can specify keywords to narrow the range of randomness. Use it as a tool for inspiration if you are a designer, or relaxation if you are developer or entrepreneur. It works best for parties, holidays, homes with kids, workspaces, even hospitals and police departments. Because everyone loves GIFs!

I love G-I-Fs! I love watching them, I love making them. I love how details are pixelated instead being blurred, as all fake GIFs (mp4) these days. From my childhood, I was always fascinated how many things you can create within such a limited and outdated file format, that was released 27 years ago and yet it still continuing to fascinate and inspire us to bigger and better things. And all these years I was asking myself - would we find the time to watch all these GIFs, when we are so busy doing “truly important” things? Finally, GifSaver comes once and for all to save our pixels from the darkness.

Unleash the power or semi-random GIF to make your life brighter today! If you have any idea how we can make the GifSaver better — please, let us know in the comments.

Posted on Dec 20, 2016

More by Sergey Shmidt đź’ˇ

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