Days - App ratings

App rating can positively or negatively affect how people discover apps.
In most common cases apps are “begging” for ratings, which has a negative impact on the app itself. A customers experience can easily be interrupted. And a common mistake is using a pop-up which inevitably interrupts the user. Not only that but in some cases it is shown at the mots unpleasant time.

I decided to follow a different direction, where instead of “begging” we are asking a question:

1. We intergrated the question into the timeline, so we are not interrupting the user experience. We also added images, as they are an important part of the app and are blending in nicely with the user created events. We also didn't wanted to give a to serious impression, so we decided upon using cats & dogs images that are fun and playful. This way we created a more delightful emotional experience.

2. We ask questions. First question is if the customer enjoys days. After that there are two follow up question, based on the user feedback. Tapping “not really” has a follow up question to send user feedback and “yes” has a follow up question if they want to give as a rating on the app store.

3. The best part of the experience is that we can get valuable feedback right from within the app.

4. The app rating workflow has proven to be a successful and therefore an important piece of user feedback. In last days we received more then 30 app ratings with 5 stars.

Posted on Jan 11, 2017

More by Dejan Markovic

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