Totally Tiny Tactics - Global Game Jam 2017

Totally tiny tactics was the game my game jam team decided to tackle. Our team consisted of myself on art and design and Ben on programming and design. Ben's twitter can be found here.

The global game jam is a world wide jam in which you have 48 hours to make a game. Due to us both having some family stuff going on over the weekend we had about 20! Haha. We still put out a game you can check out here.

Not all the art made it in but I might take this game concept and turn it into something bigger or at least get it ready for a android release.

I did most of the art in photoshop and designed all of the UIs in sketch. This was the first game interface I've done in sketch. it worked super well and I will probably end up using it again.

With the simplicity in the art style I was able to help out two of the other teams with some assets and some art guidance as well. I haven't played all of the games yet, there were 5 teams total, can't wait to try them all. I'm going to participate again next year that's for sure, I had an absolute blast and it was awesome getting to know everyone!

Posted on Jan 23, 2017
Billy Sweetman
Husband, Dad, Head of Design @Headway

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