Icon Interactions for Origami Studio

Pushing this out now, before it burns a whole in my week.


13 interactions, ranging from rotations to scales, added some haptic feedback to a few to give an idea about how to use this (hint: delays!)

Hopefully this is useful, to plug it into your own project, paste the patches into your build, change the interaction source and push the outputs to the right points (should be fairly self-explanatory from this file, but if not reach out).

A few of the icons are made with shapes directly in Origami, when you can I thoroughly recommend this as it gives you more flexibility, but always worth remembering you can paste shapes from sketch and they preserve their vectorness.

Props to FB for building Origami, I've loved getting to grips with it the last week or so.

I post BTS to stuff like this to my story on Instagram here

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