BeachfrontDigital V2 — TLD Count Chart

BeachfrontDigital is a domain portfolio management tool, available at


After letting the project languish for awhile, I decided to take another stab at it and implement features pro users would want like import/export. Now it's time for the fun stuff, making data look pretty.

This graph shows you how many TLDs are in your domain portfolio. For users like myself with a LOT of domain names, this will be a regular sight to see. Most people probably won't see that much variation.

In case you were wondering, I (currently) have 43 TLDs in my domain portfolio.


V2 of BeachfrontDigital is coming soon, I'm aiming for a late April relaunch. For now, read about the ongoing development!

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Posted on Apr 10, 2017

More by paul webb

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