Jurassic Park: High Heels Edition

Full video can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RZi6NCuLbQ

I was digging through some projects I've worked on to see what I might throw on my demo reel... I nearly forgot I worked on this one, and thought some shots might make for a good shot here.

I worked with the motion graphics team at XVP Comedy on this parody trailer for Jurassic Park. The idea was to take the actors' regular shoes and feet (as well as other objects), and replace them with intentionally cheesy high heels.

I did about half of the compositing on this project (generating clean plates, camera tracking, adding shoes, rotoscoping, etc). I believe this video went semi-viral (Bryce Dallas Howard reportedly saw it, and the BBC covered it http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/33639114/jurassic-park-with-heels-has-gone-viral-because-people-think-its-brilliant)...

It definitely was a weird and fun project to work on! :)

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