Meizu Pro 7 - Interactive Toy 1.

Hey Dribbble friends,

Here is a first proper shot of a project I've been working on/off for the past weeks. The idea is to create a collection of simple interactive toys users can play with when toying around with their phones. Call it "an interactive wallpaper" with minimal visual & haptic feedback.

I'm using the new Meizu Pro 7 phone. It has a small back screen used to show relevant / contextual information that could pretty much be used for something like this in resting mode.

FWIW I had to draw the phone from scratch ^^U, I will share it in a different post.

Also check out the @Framer prototype below. I'm not a crazy coder but came up with the idea of propagating an animation (scale, color) on a grid of objects assigning more or less delay depending on the distance from the touch point.
Grid Prototype

More shots coming soon.

Posted on Aug 16, 2017

More by Claudio Guglieri

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