Ads Framework Redesign

We just did a refresh on our ads framework and, subsequently, all of our display ads. There are a lot of them—maybe you've even seen them around on your favorite websites 👀

Ads aren't always the sexiest work, but that's exactly why I wanted to post this shot. They're a place where you can have a big influence on your business's revenue, metrics, and brand. It's easy to test out little things and get data very quickly: imagery, messaging, colors, animation, etc. And then you can apply those learnings to lots of other projects, like web, campaigns, emails, etc.

This is just the first round but with this framework, we plan to keep evolving these to keep them fresh and get new insights.

Framework/designs by yours truly, featuring illustrations by @Anna Hurley and @Nick Slater

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Posted on Nov 1, 2017

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