Emily Morrow site

The site I designed and developed for Auckland-based executive consultant Emily Morrow is now live. Check it out at emilymorrow.com

A couple of design notes:

Users of this site are not necessarily highly tech savvy, so on mobile, instead of a hamburger I used the 'menu' label next to an arrow to make the interactivity as obvious as possible. For ease of navigation, the site's logo is truncated to 'EM' to allow space for the name of the current page so users know where they are at all times. The navigation remains fixed on scroll since some of the pages are quite long on mobile and it's useful to have this information always available.

On the home page in the services section, there's a subtle CSS animation supporting the idea that Emily can help law firms create order from chaos.

On the articles page, due to the large volume of articles, users will be able to see which ones they've already opened to make it easier to browse/reference them. (This only works on certain browsers because the internet 🙄)

Nathan Walker
Designer & frontend developer

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