Colin You Out!

I’ve been at this project (quite sporadically) for the last few years and it’s been a great way for me to explore different lettering styles and to push my skillset into uncomfortable territories. Win win.

The idea behind Colin You Out! came to fruition in response to the hundreds of ridiculous email, message and comment inquiries from people asking if I would be willing to write their name. For free. 😐 Since I have an abundance of time to provide a free service for people I don’t know—regardless of running a business, providing for my family and raising two girls (hence the punny dad joke name)—the answer was crystal.

Letter a person’s name, once a week by randomly choosing a name from a (cess)pool of commenters on social media.


This shot is a selection of some of my favorite names I’ve lettered throughout the duration of the project. Honestly, it’s been a great project and a good way to interact with my audience.

Colin Tierney
Welcome. You’ve reached your final destination.

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