Hi, I’m Dina!

Oh hi there! Look it’s my face on your screen with my Naughty Words Tapestry from Redbubble and not my just art. I know weird right? I hope I can inspire you to put yourself out there more. Introduce yourself to strangers. Do a live stream. Post a selfie!

Ok, I’ll start. I’m Dina a hand lettering artist and TV-obsessed couch potato that literally stares at Instagram and YouTube all day. I draw and share everything I know because I’m lonely and I desperately want to connect with other artists.

I’ll be turning 30 in August and my 20s went by so fast but at least I can say I have no regrets. I ate what I wanted. I went after every opportunity even if it was a long shot. Found the love of my life and can honestly say I’ve never been happier. Of course I still have goals and big plans. But you can’t move forward unless you can appreciate what you already have.

Your turn! I double dog dare you to post a picture of yourself on Dribbble. It's not just about what you make you know, it's also about you!

PS. You can grab this wall tapestry here - https://rdbl.co/2t1Hhsw

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