Catedral de Granada, Nicaragua

My wife took me on a surprise trip to an eco-lodge on top of a volcano in Nicaragua for my 45th birthday in 2015. We fell in love with the country and are so sad to see the conflict going on now. We wish the people of Nicaragua strength and courage and, most of all, peace. It is not my place to comment on the issues but I hope they will find the resolution that is best for everyone.

Granada is such a beautiful city. The cathedral is so bright and vibrant but it wasn't always these colors. It used to be just drab white. It is hard to imagine Granada without this bright centerpiece. There is a fantastic chocolate museum, ChocoMuseo, that has hands-down the best chocolate I've ever had. We were also taken with Café Sonrisas (Smile Café) that employs all deaf employees who hand-make hammocks that they sell to support themselves. It is a great example of empowerment and self-sufficiency. We bought a huge hammock and brought it back on the "chicken bus" then tuk tuk and eventually the plane ride home.

Posted on Aug 1, 2018
Scott Lewis
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