
Like everyone and their mother, I've been working on a portfolio update for... years. Going from design, to content-writing, to redesign, to content-revision, and then newly-written content, has grown exhausting. So instead, I'm putting up the first small piece of what will progressively become a photography and product design portfolio. My working branch includes photo-stories, albums, and case studies — but publishing this first post, I hops, commits me to progressive enhancement of this current direction.

On another note—I've played with a number of personal logomarks over the last nine years. None stuck with me as well as this minor revision on my first monogram, which I originally drew nine years ago last week. Looking back at this, and using it anew, it feels like return-to-roots of sorts. It feels appropriate.

I'd wanted to post an animated version of the monogram as a link to my updated site for a while, and today being my birthday, thought it an appropriate time to go for it. I wish I'd've taken the time to learn tot do this properly in After Effects, or really any tool that would generate a 60fps animation — but instead, this is an animated stroke on a SVG, recorded with Quicktime, and output to a gif at 30fps. Where's good to learn AE basics?

Check out my first post, and eventual portfolio, at

Wil Nichols
Design at Zello

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