Fastflatfee — Sell Your Real Estate Without a Realtor

BRIEF: FastFlatFree is a platform that provides a possibility for the real estate owners to sell their property without paying massive commissions to realtors. It allows sellers to be independent and get a maximum exposure. Fastflatfee guides the user through the selling process with a personal task list and publishes the property to a number of MLS systems, real estate portals and brokerage platforms.

WHAT I DID: I’ve started from a road-mapping strategy session to understand goals of the business and get to know the target audience. I also studied other competitors on the market and their approach. Then I proceeded with the user flows, user stories, and user portraits. All these tools gave me clarity on what exactly would be implemented and put me on the same page with stakeholders. Afterward, I started designing in small iterations (layouts - wireframes - mockups - prototype) to get feedback from the client and users on the way.

WHY THIS WAY: All the decisions I made during this process are based on the research results and user portraits that I made right in the beginning. My primary goal was to connect needs of a business and a user with the UX strategy and design.

More by Stan Prysiazhniuk

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