Personal Portfolio

I'm super stoked to let you know that after a lot of delaying, postponing and stalling mixed with hours upon hours of hard work, my portfolio is finally done! 🙌

Check it out.

I'm sure you can relate to the level of procrastination we face whenever we go about starting our portfolio. Around 8 months, when I started working on my case studies, I was clueless about the direction, design, and contents. It took me many iterations to come up with the right direction.

My goal was to be as thorough as possible while explaining the thought process behind each project, but making sure that the design was engaging.

I've also put together an article where I talk about the questions that pop up in our head when we decide to build a portfolio, and I also explain the importance of having one.

Let me know your thoughts and spread the word.


Posted on Nov 20, 2018

More by Zulal Ahmad

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