Picture Love – Zeiss

As a well-established, multinational photography brand, ZEISS had to work extra hard to keep their brand fresh and relevant to ever-changing demographics. Could we create a campaign that connected with a younger, more diverse audience and establish photography as a vehicle for progressive social change? Picture Love is a creative-driven campaign that captures expressions of real love between couples, with a particular focus on LGBTQ+ relationships. We gifted photography influencers a top-of-the-line ZEISS lens and gave them one instruction: capture love in all its forms. Our network of high-profile photography influencers shared dozens of photographs on their social networks, tagging them with #ZEISSPictureLove, which were displayed on a bespoke online gallery to collate every photograph in the campaign. To expand on our influencer-driven content, we also crafted our own photoshoot. Working with photographer Andrew French, we took a selection of intimate, captivating portraits of LGBTQ+ couples. We then turned those images into a poster campaign for the 2019 Pride Parades in New York and San Francisco. The campaign gained the brand 4M+ media impressions.
Justin Girard
Creative Direction & Brand Design

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