Mi Peque tiene Cáncer

https://mipequetienecancer.org/ is a platform that brings together all the available resources of administration, associations and foundations to help you during childhood cancer.
There are many resources and tools available to families, generously offered by various foundations and NGOs. The reality experienced by these families, to whom the diagnosis of childhood cancer comes as a tsunami, is that this information is disaggregated and can’t be consulted from a single directory.
The challenge was to offer a practical tool that helps to unite all the information that today is scattered, and design it in such a way that it is easy to handle at a life moment when anxiety is at its highest.
I designed several prototypes trying to simplify the experience as much as possible while covering all the needs detected in the research phase carried out by Ana Granados. These prototypes were tested with parents to identify the most suitable solutions.
In the visual aspect several paths were explored, but trying to move away from an image that resembled to a Hospital/Health website. Finally we decided on a very clean look but with colors that convey warmth and positivity.

Posted on Jan 24, 2020

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