
February 08, 2022

Inspired by vintage WPA National Park posters, Parkly is our all-caps display sans-serif in three widths.

Onward & Upward

January 02, 2021

Onward & Upward. That’s the mantra for the next year. I think I learned that phrase from my mom, whose masterful optimism rubbed off on me. Perhaps the reason for the 70s vibes as well. ✌️✨


December 23, 2020

Playing with the new Parkly widths. Whole family available now!

Parkly Widths

December 18, 2020

It's fun to mix widths of Parkly within a single word to really mimic the wackiness of those old WPA park posters.

Parkly now in three widths

December 16, 2020

Parkly is now available in three widths! Condensed, Regular, and Wide. The whole family is still just $19 bucks. Previous customers should receive an email with a free update.

Parkly Amps

December 14, 2020

Adding a third ampersand to Parkly. Also, it'll soon be available in three widths! It'll be a free update for previous customers.

Easy Coast

November 23, 2020

Working on a new Wide style for the Parkly font. Greetings from the Easy Coast ✌️🌊

Parkly Font

September 09, 2020

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Dan Cederholm