Van Morgen - Components

September 10, 2019

Some of the components we created for the webshop VanMorgen. We had the luxury of working with nicely shot imagery and sweet-looking products and did our best to set up assets complementing that. -- Want to stay up to date on our work? ...

Van Morgen — Checkout Flow

September 03, 2019

In addition to designing the marketing part of the website, we also worked on the store side. On the product page we show what the brand stands for by sharing all qualitative details of the products with the user. All Van Morgen’s prod...

Van Morgen — Homepage

August 21, 2019

Sleeping is important. The folks at Van Morgen know that better than anyone. It’s their purpose to develop high-quality bedding for a fair price. We assisted the team by redesigning their digital brand, emphasizing the top-notch quality ...

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