Update Google (FriUI)

March 17, 2018

Quick animation of this week's ~15min Fri-UI Challenge. Our assignment was to update Google (no biggie, right?). I wanted to bring cards to the homepage (for personalized or important news/updates) and pull the secondary navigation to...


February 02, 2018

This weeks ~15min UI challenge was to make an interactive site you'd waste time on, waiting for the day to end. I thought a wack-a-mole style game with Trump's dumb face would be a sure-fire win... but I was wrong. :(

Windows95 Missile UI

January 21, 2018

Took my FriUI challenge from the last week (design a better interface for the Hawaii missile alert dropdown) and animated it. Figured that matching the OS our government still probably uses would be the best way forward.

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Mark Davis