Digimar - E-course Landing Page

🤔 Overview:

Digimar, a leading provider of digital marketing education, sought to enhance the effectiveness of its landing page for the digital marketing e-course. Despite offering comprehensive content, the existing page struggled to convert visitors into enrolled students due to unclear messaging and a lack of compelling visuals

🌐 Problems:

The primary challenges faced by Digimar's landing page included low conversion rates, high bounce rates, and a lack of user engagement. Visitors were not sufficiently motivated to enroll in the e-course, resulting in missed opportunities for growth and revenue generation.

💪 Objectives:

The objectives for the project were clear: improve conversion rates, reduce bounce rates, and increase overall user engagement on the landing page. Digimar aimed to create a more compelling and user-friendly experience that would effectively communicate the value of the e-course and encourage visitors to take action.

👍 How We Solve the Problem:

To address these challenges, we conducted a comprehensive audit of the existing landing page to identify areas for improvement. Through strategic redesign and optimization, we revamped the page with clear and concise messaging, engaging visuals, and compelling calls-to-action. By highlighting the benefits and value proposition of the e-course, we aimed to capture visitors' attention and inspire them to enroll.

🛠️ Wireframe

😍 Hi-Fi Design

📰 Full Page

📨 inquiry@caraka.io | 🌐 caraka.io


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