Frontiers πŸš€ (NASA Tribute)

Dream Client: NASA πŸš€ To infinity and beyond! ✨ I never ever get tired of saying / typing that catchphrase. Especially now, given how well it sums up this new illustration. Think of all the untraveled frontiers awaiting among the stars above. NASA has always kept the dream of such adventures alive in my mind. Human beings are natural explorers and NASA represents that instinct. So if I were given the opportunity to illustrate something for those brilliant men and women, gosh darn it I would put my life force into it. Why? Because they're doing hard work I whole heartedly believe in. This is a vector sample of what that dream collaboration might look like. It was a fun one to work on, that's for sure. I thought about dipping my paint brush in a few extra colors but something about the monochromatic blues feels perfect for some space vibes. ✨

Jarod Octon
California based illustrator, designer and art director.

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