Integrated Push Notifications

Overview:, a leading no-code app builder, has enhanced its platform by integrating a push notifications feature, allowing creators to engage users directly on both mobile and web interfaces.

Objective: To boost user engagement and retention, implemented push notifications to enable creators to send timely updates and keep users informed and involved.


  • Market Analysis: Studied effective engagement strategies and push notification impacts.

  • Feedback Integration: Incorporated creator and user feedback to tailor the notification features.

  • Seamless Integration: Ensured the push notifications worked uniformly across all devices and platforms.

Implementation: Developed a user-friendly dashboard for managing notifications, including customization options to target notifications based on user activity and preferences.


  • User Retention: Achieved 20% increase in user retention rates.

  • Daily Engagement: Daily active users increased by 30% due to effective notification prompts.

  • Conversion Improvement: Achieved a 15% increase in engagement conversions from notifications.

Conclusion: The new push notifications feature has significantly improved engagement on, providing creators with powerful tools to keep users active and invested in the platform.

Posted on May 17, 2024
Lenka Stepanova
Product Designer Driven by Elegance & Strategy.

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