
March 31, 2013

This is the blog mobile layout. You are also seeing the web layout in the background. Also feel free to check out the rest of this project to see how it evolved into what it is right now. Thanks, and you can always follow me on Twitter.

Mobile profile

March 08, 2013

I'm alive.


January 04, 2013

Feedback is welcomed.

Home page, grid + details + animated

December 30, 2012

I deleted my last shot because I thought it didn't show much of what I was working on. So I created a quick animated gif to show a little more detail. Make sure to check out the @2x version. I tweet.

Communication page

December 16, 2012

This is a quick snapshot of the communication page on my new website. Make sure to check out the @2x version. A quick story about the teal color I use on my website: I've been using this teal since I've known myself. Well not really, s...

Facelift for — Wireframe

August 09, 2012

I designed this guy's website about 8 months ago. Now that he has bunch of content to display, he wants a facelift and wants everything to "POP". So I started sketching some concepts. Of course he's not happy with anything. What a night...

My new website is alive!

January 05, 2012

Heyo, Here it is, the new website I’ve been dying to push live. Sleepless nights with ridiculous amounts of caffeine, Rogie’s golden touch to the code, and last but not least a huge thanks goes to Mr. Nic Eby for hooking up some of my...

Hello uteris

December 22, 2011

So.... after a coworker told me she thinks my world icon looks like a uteris, I decided to change the blog post image, I hate you all.

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Kerem Suer