Social Landing Pages

August 21, 2020

Managed to narrow down the landing page ideas to just 3 of my favourites although I do feel there is many other options on the table that I've yet to discover. What do you think?

Landing Page Concepts

August 19, 2020

I've really enjoyed working on this dummy idea, it's given me the chance to try some new approaches when designing various components. It also allowed me to have the time to try working on various concepts. Here's a few that I came up wi...

Bedrock Social Dashboard Modules

August 07, 2020

Wanted to expand on the same project idea I've been working on for a while now. I tried to break down some of the key components it would need and create some sort of mood board from them. Let me know what you think.

Bedrock Social Sign Up Form

July 22, 2020

An app without users isn't really an app. The Adobe XD Playoff was the perfect excuse to create a simple, yet sleek signup form for my social dashboard.

Bedrock Social Dark Mode

July 21, 2020

Trying to continue with my good habbit of posting to Dribbble regularly. Restarting my pro membership should ideally be a good way to make me do that. I figured it made sense to create a view of a dark mode for my made up social engage...

BedRock Social Settings

July 13, 2020

Continuing with the theme of a social management dashboard, an idea of how the settings view could potentially look.

BedRock Social Dashboard Concept

July 08, 2020

It's always good to practice your skills. I've recently learned quite a lot when it comes to designing dashboards and complex product UI's. I wanted to practice something a lot more conceptual in my free time so I came up with the idea...

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Matthew Lawson