Not Me Us

Hey ya'll it's Super Tuesday. We're not voting yet here in New York but there's a lot riding on today's results.

Right now there is a concerted effort among the establishment to beat back a massive movement of working people fighting for healthcare for themselves and their families as well as a habitable planet for all of us humans and our fellow creatures. These are not radical ideas but are the absolute baseline for a wealthy and civilized society.

Over the course this primary there have been 21 questions asked to candidates on the debate stage about how we will pay for social programs like Medicare for All and ZERO questions about how we will pay for more wars and our insanely grotesque military industrial complex.

I want a world where my fellow Americans (and all people) are granted the same base level of rights I'm incredibly lucky enough to be able to afford. To anyone reading this — I'm asking you to please join Bernie and fight for someone you don't know ❤️

Matt Anderson
Designer + illustrator. 1/2 of Canopy.

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