Performace Rating Card

Hey guys!
This is one of the cards from the product dashboard that I've been working on at my company which focuses on 1-on-1 Meetings.

So, few key changes that have happened for this is instead of rating it by clicking, we introduced slider. Plus the illustration at the bottom makes it more delightful for the user to use. (You can see one of my previous neumorphic post that had the old interaction )
We introduced sub-categories for the manager to provide better context and nuance for the rating. And also from our interviews, we came to know that, just because a Manager has given a perfect review for the report, it does not always mean that the report was perfect in everything. It's never black and white like that. There's probably one area that the manager would still want their report to improve in. And these subcategories provide that nuance to the rating. This is then shown in a trend graph later. And over a period of time, the Manager can have a bird's eye view on whether the report improved in those areas.
P.S. It's not only one way. We also allow for the report to give feedback as well. The aim of our product is to cultivate better communication and understanding between transparent teams using 1-on-1s.

I would love to hear your feedback! :)

More by Vishnu Madhavan

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