📹 Portfolio Video Reel

Hey everybody,

I've been freelancing for good two years now and it's been one of the best decisions of my life. 📌 I've met super many cool people and have been honored to work on many great projects and with awesome clients in my career like ottonova, tonies, Masterplan.com, LIVEDAB, Auditi, Alaiko, COMPOEN, PIN Mail and many more (sorry if I didn't list someone). 🚀

Here is a small selection of my projects from the last years, there are indeed too many to show them all in one video. 😅 But feel free to check out my website (www.floriansteinle.com) or browse my Dribbble profile.

Cheers! 🍺

(Shoutout to Balkan Brothers for the inspiration)

Flo Steinle
Web designer, UX & UI designer and Webflow expert.

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