Polovni automobili - redesign website

This is redesign of www.polovniautomobili.com, classified site for buying and selling cars, other vehicles and spare parts.No.1 in Serbia.

This was definitely my toughest task in last seven months. Also challenging and border moving in terms of this web site, but biggest thing in focus was not to destroy user experience but to improve it not to make it difficult for users who are used to consume this website for years. Main goal was to make it modern version of itself, more professional/ corporate looking, with design consistency. It was long hour working battle, and I am gonna tell you, it was worth it! :)
Users are really satisfied with improvement that I have made, also clients who advertise on this site. They have voted through hotjar, and gave high rates.
The project covered about 80% of redesign. And through that process, I made around 2-7 templates per each section that was covered by redesigning templates. The remain section was profile page which is project I am working on currently. And some static pages which are minor section.

So once again, I am very happy that I had that privilege to work on such big project and also No.1 site in Serbia, with great support from whole team. It's nice to know that my work uses more than 3M users. :)
Whole project went live on 1st of June 2021.

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