The Families & Workers Fund – Website

Given the gravity of the impact, it was important to develop an identity that didn't attempt to wash away the struggles and inequities that have long plagued the United States. Prior to the pandemic, more than 40% of families could not afford basics like rent and childcare. During the pandemic, layoffs fell hardest on those earning the least, with nearly half of the lowest-paid workers losing their jobs.

The resulting brand system is one that speaks to those realities – relying on the old adage "show don't tell" – to showcase the stats and economic realities by using timely imagery and newspaper clippings to portray this struggle with honesty and humanity.

We wanted to contrast this picture with one of optimism and hope. The founding of the Families and Workers Fund sets the stage for a new vision to make philanthropic investments to advance jobs that uplift people and develop of a more inclusive, effective public benefits system alongside the federal government.

The result is an identity that speaks to the true essence of America – a work in progress bolstered by its willingness to form a more perfect union.

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