App Store Screenshots

Hello Dribbble! The App Store screenshots are incredibly important, but often overlooked marketing tool. I am designing a Sketch template to show several examples, raise awareness, and ease the process of exporting these iPhone 5 (640x1136) and iPhone 4 (640x960) iTunes assets.

Sketch File:

Key Takeaways:
* Communicate more than just how your app looks
* Convince users to download or buy your well-designed app
* Convey more information by using actions or backgrounds
* Take advantage of this free [App Store] marketing opportunity
* App discovery matters, so pay attention to the first screenshot

"A huge percentage of app discovery happens through search, and if you take a look at how the search results are displayed, it's easy to see why great screenshots are so important."
- Dan Counsell

"App Store “screenshots” don’t actually have to be screenshots and they can communicate more than just how your apps looks."
- Travis Jeffery

"An app with a fantastic interface design will definitely increase sales. However, if all you publish are plain screenshots sans description of features and benefits – you’re missing a HUGE selling opportunity."
- Jen Gordon

Looking for Android and Google Play Store tips and templates? Here you go:

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