Rebound/Warm Up: Resolution 2022

Another week, another Dribble prompt reply! This time they want to know what one of our resolutions for 2022 is! And yeah. This one speaks for itself.

This past year I've been trying my damndest to get a job which has panned out to no success thus far. I've literally applied to at least 50 different jobs in the immediate area with only one getting back to me to set up an interview, which I'm probably not going to get because of commute reasons.

Needless to say, it's been rough.

You'd think I would've gotten a job as a graphic designer, but alas, no dice. A lot of the job listings out there call for someone who's got prior experience and a college degree in graphic design. A degree which I was so close to getting before COVID made me drop out from school. Damn it.

But it's not like I haven't had ANY work this past year. I'm still the go-to guy for my friend whenever he needs an oddjob done, I've done more commission work this year on Twitter and made at least $1000 USD in total from that alone. And in the process of trying to find a job, I finally got off my duff and got on the road to getting my driver's license!

So even if 2021 wasn't the year of finding a steady job (or steady string of commission work), I'll still keep trying well into the next year! Plus Dribbble has a freelance section, which I plan to look into should I have any extra X-Mas cash left over.

To the future, friends. Here's to finding work in 2022.


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