The Brave Beyond!

2021 was a big year of growth for Brave Care. We've had so many new additionsā€”more funding, team members, and clinicsā€”that it truly felt like we were shooting for the stars. We joked that we'll have clinics on Mars in the near future! As 2021 was nearing it's end, we created this fun space theme artwork to commemorate all that we've accomplished in 2021 and foreshadow all of the out-of-the-world things we have planned for the future. šŸš€

ā€¢ The creative process started with sketching two different concepts and was narrowed down to the one we felt most excited about. The "Brave Beyond" concept was a new opportunity to highlight not only our mascot, Scout, but some of our additional characters, Otter and Penguin. Joining them are three planets proudly waving small flags that represent the new clinics we added in 2021.

ā€¢ The next step was to vectorize the sketch in black and white. This allowed for a clearer picture of how each element worked together spatially (pun totally intended šŸ˜‰šŸŖ).

ā€¢ The illustration was finally brought to life with our brand colors and simplified, consistent vector styling.

We used pullouts from this central piece across swag and digital designs to bring joy to our employees in their holiday packs and End of Year presentation. Press [L] if you'd like to see more!

Designs by Abby Dobbs & Cindy Nguyen.


Brave Care offers exceptional pediatric care thatā€™s fueled by empathy and supported by modern technology.

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