Pawfect Match App

This app is designed to connect you with your “Pawfect Match”. Being a dog owner for many years, and having used apps like Rover and Wag, one issue I noticed was always truly feeling comfortable with a stranger looking after my dog. Through our profile matching service we have found this is a benefit to both walkers and dog owners. Beyond similar interests (hiking, swimming or hanging at home) this app allows users to input details to their profile search which narrow down the results to users with similar values, activity levels, training methods, living situations, food, language and much more. 

 Its like meeting your best friend (the dog of course).

User Research

How did you conduct your interviews? How many participants? Summarize your research findings. 

Online polls, phone, social media. I interviewed roughly 10 people, and one main concern with finding the right walker/dog was trust. Generally it was noted that feeling a connection based on “matched interests & values”, along with friends of friends (if you choose to connect through Facebook) showed a lot of interest.


User Flow


Mood Board



I wanted to give users the chance to explore the app a bit before signing up or having to provide any information. I realise there is a balance of losing interest before gathering information on users, which could lead to loss of sign up results but I feel that through the few screens they are provided adequate information to feel they can trust and understand this app and what it offers, leading to sign ups.

Posted on Sep 19, 2022

More by Julia Mathieson

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