Design A Unicorn Logo Online

Design a logo online for your company using the free Unicorn logo maker. Start creating your Pegasus logo instantly and download it without a watermark.

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Understand Color Psychology In Logo Design

People rarely base their decisions on facts – they mostly base them on emotions. The reason behind this is that our emotions are very powerful. But did you know that colors evoke similar feelings in all people? Well, that is the case. Whether you are going for a serious, playful, calm, or energetic sentiment, a good color combination will make your target customers feel the emotion and get connected to your brand.

Color psychology in logo design is the research behind the phenomenon and it focuses on the effects of colors on human motivation, emotion, and decision-making. While the research is controversial, it can help brand designers choose the right color palette for their brands.

According to color psychology, here is how people perceive some of the common colors.

- Red Logos: bold, exciting, and fast-paced

- Yellow Logos: energetic, fast-paced, happy

- Orange Logos: energetic, joyful, confident

- Blue Logos: serious, secure, and trustworthy

- Green Logos: peaceful, natural, eco-friendly

- Purple Logos: prestigious, creative, artistic

- Pink - Great for unicorn logos: youthful, romantic, creative

- White Logos: modern, clean, exciting

- Black Logos: modern, clean, exciting

Before selecting a color palette for your brand, understand what your brand represents. Know the goals of your brand, the personality trait of the brand identity, and your target audience. By doing that, you will select a color palette that will evoke the right feelings and pass your message perfectly.

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