Watch For The Light

Advent 2022 sermon series graphic for City Church of Wilmington.


The set piece on CCW's stage this year is a large 3D stable sculpture, shaped like a dome or a cave, with an illuminated manger within. I was asked to make an official title graphic that would go along with this visual motif of light in the darkness. It needed to be readable on both light and dark backgrounds.


The text treatment was fairly easy to compose, as the phrase lent itself to a nicely balanced stacked structure. I used Ɓrida for the typeface which offers a higher contrast but still looks modern. The T landed right in the center of the design which almost acts as a candle for the glowing star right above it (the candle is not only a common advent symbol, but also plays a significant role in the annual Christmas evening service at City Church where candles are held in the hands of each person in the congregation. It's a beautiful tradition). The dome shape is reflected in the light rays, which also forms an abstract eye, and more overtly evokes the star of Bethlehem. That similar arch shape can also be found throughout the inner architecture of the church sanctuary.

A photo from a past evening candlelight service
Posted on Nov 22, 2022

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