Disney+ Case Study

SupErr SpeCiall P0sT

Hi Guys ๐Ÿ‘‹

Today, I want to share something special, which is my Case Study of Disney+. Actually, this is last year's project but published in Indonesia Language, so I just had time now to translate it into English, hehe ๐Ÿ˜…. So please enjoy!

Scroll down for more or view details on Medium: Click me pls


Of course, We are all familiar with Disney+, Disney+ is an on-demand video service in the United States owned and managed by Walt Disney. The primary focus of Disney+ is films and television shows from Walt Disney Studios and Walt Disney Television.

And then Disney+ acquired Hotstar (Hotstar is a streaming service originating from India and this service is used by at least 300 million active users) to include their services in Southeast Asia, one of which is Indonesia.

Also below are Disney+ earnings from 2020โ€“2022. It can be seen that the revenue from Disney+ is increasing.

Timeline Project

The Case Study took about 8 weeks to complete with a total of 20+ screens. Sometimes I spend around 1โ€“2 hours a day doing this Case Study, but sometimes I donโ€™t even do it in a day if my schedule is tight ๐Ÿ˜”.

Start Date: 16 October 2022

Design Process

These are my Design Process when working on this case study. In the Design stage, there will be a UX (User Experiences) Design stage and also a UI (User Interface) Design stage.

P.S. Each emoji represents my feeling about each process :D

User Persona

The model is kinda pretty, eh? Please don't send this to my girlfriend ๐Ÿ’€

Mood Board

Who doesn't love to see something g00d l00king?

Wireframe / Lo-fi Design

At this Wireframe stage, I usually divide it into two parts, usually, I will make Lo-fi (Low-fidelity) or rough sketches for the design and the other one is Mi-fi (Mid-fidelity) wireframe which is neater and already uses tools, like Miro, Whimsical, or Figma (but still in black and white).

Usually, for sketches, I only use it for myself, because in my opinion, more ideas will come out if we use pencil and paper or digitally such as an Ipad/Tablet.

As for Mi-fi, I usually design and demonstrate it for clients, receive feedback from clients or show it to developers, so that developers get a rough idea of the product or application that will be built later.

In this Lo-fi work, I use Miro as a tool for sketching.

Style Guide

Design System

For the details of the Design System, you can view it on Medium :D

Sstt.. ๐Ÿ˜ด

That's for the Dribbble post because too tired to create a new mockup and it will be so loO0oOngg, but....

What do you think?


View on Medium for more details!

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๐Ÿ“ฉ email me at uivetrick@gmail.com

Vetrick Wilsen
From concept to concrete

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