Pandemic Happens

From the series "Shit Happens".

A lot of things happen every day. In some of them, we take part and in some, we are simply observers.

2020: the year we all became professional toilet-sitters and expert news-feed-swipers. With the pandemic forcing us to stay home and stay safe, we had plenty of time to catch up on the latest headlines... and let's just say, they weren't all sunshine and rainbows. From toilet paper shortages to Zoom fatigue, it was a year of unexpected challenges and endless scrolling. But hey, at least we had our trusty smartphones to keep us company. 🚽📱

As always, let me know your thoughts in the comments, and if you enjoyed this shot, feel free to give it a 'like' or share it with your fellow toilet-scrollers (we all know at least one). Cheers!

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