Bank Security Solutions

The Challenge

To access bank systems through remote desktops and VPNs, all associates were required to use the bank's MFA devices or "tokens." However, right from the start, challenges emerged due to the unfriendly UX of the current token administration portal. The portal was unable to cope with the scale of the task, causing a flood of frustrated employees who struggled to register and activate new tokens independently, resulting in an overwhelmed help desk receiving thousands of calls each day. Moreover, the poorly designed internal help desk portal led to longer calls, contributing to the backup.

The Solutions

The Self-service MFA portal streamlined the process for employees and new users to obtain security "tokens", improved user education on MFA security, and reduced call volume for the bank’s internal help desk.

The MFA mobile application allowed remote users to perform multifactor authentication in order to gain access to bank sites and platforms and manage security notifications.

With the new security ecosystem in place, users:

  • are better equipped to self-manage the MFA process

  • require less assistance from the help desk, and call time to resolve individual cases has decreased.

  • can address security and accessibility concerns are more easily, and issues are remediated as expected.

Through post launch surveys, users have reported an improved understanding of the business need for MFA, and security management across the bank has been improved tremendously.

Onboarding User Journey

A major portion of the project focused on addressing the mvp onboarding journey and implementing effective solutions to enhance the user experience. The primary goals were to streamline the process, improve usability, and ensure consistent styling throughout the journey.

Solution Approach:

To address these challenges, the onboarding journey went through two redesigns to introduce new security features and streamline the activation process.

1. Streamlining the Journey:

The original onboarding journey's complexity and excessive steps have been significantly reduced, leading to a 65% decrease in the number of screens. Users can now enable all features on a single screen, eliminating the need for unnecessary navigational steps and enhancing efficiency. This streamlined approach ensures users enable all security feature that are needed for a seamless authentication experience.

2. Enhanced Password Management:

App passwords were replaced with PINs, as research suggests that users are more likely to remember a sequence of numbers rather than a complex password. This change simplifies the login process and reduces the need for frequent password resets or calls to the help desk, ultimately improving user satisfaction.

3. Consistent Styling and Brand Standards:

To create a cohesive and visually appealing experience, consistent styling and adherence to brand standards have been integrated throughout the onboarding journey. By implementing a unified visual design, including typography, color schemes, and illustrations, the redesigned journey presents a professional and engaging interface that aligns with the overall brand identity.

The Mobile Design System

During the innovation phase of this project, a UI direction that effectively balanced a minimal and trustworthy design was established. With the foundational work of the bank's existing brand guidelines, we created a visual identity that felt modern and reliable.

Throughout the design and development process, a series of components and illustrations were created to effectively communicate the value and capabilities of the new mobile app.

Light & Dark Illustrations

The project budget and timeline prevented us from developing a dark mode version of the MFA app. So, I created an illustration solution that could reflect a dark mode experience.

Corporate Office Illustrations

Illustrations used on the mobile apps dashboard are contingent on which US office the user is assigned to.

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Jahlisa Misenheimer
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