ProFolioAI - AI CV maker platform Design

Attention everyonešŸ„³


Here's the chat page where you can command and profolio AI will make cover letter or your CV within seconds. Our PDF integration will convert the CV or Cover letter automatically into PDF. It can send to your vacancy within a command from you. Share your bullet points and your CV is ready.


(Soon going to publish a blog)


šŸ’¬ DM me for any free consultation.


For any project or inquiries drop a message. I'm open for full time opportunities too. Let's talk about us and share our stories.


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šŸ’”Check my:Ā Behance


šŸ“DesigTale:Ā EmailĀ IĀ BehanceĀ IĀ TwitterĀ IĀ InstagramĀ I

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