Mimo & Mimo bootcamp branding

Here’s a fact: coding can actually be a fun, creative, and collaborative skill anyone can learn. That's the philosophy at Mimo, and we're all in! They're turning code learning into 'micro-moments'—concise, engaging coding lessons in a user-friendly app. And for those eyeing a career shift, there's Mimo Bootcamp.

Mimo approached us to revitalize their visual identity, encompassing both Mimo and Mimo Bootcamp, along with their M1M0 avatar. We created a unified identity that keeps their brand's essence intact, while clearly differentiating between Mimo and Mimo Bootcamp. A key task was to infuse M1M0 avatar with a personality that resonates more with their audiences and define M1M0’s role in the brand’s narrative more clearly.

The result? Mimo’s bite-sized coding lessons now come with a nostalgic charm—not lacking in color or character!

Check out the websites ➡ www.mimo.org & www.dev.getmimo.com

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