Gum of Gods | CRO

I had someone reach out to me from Gum of Gods to see about doing some quick wins and was happy to oblige. I was able to isolate 7 quick wins for their website. See below for the breakdown!

1) Optimize your announcement bar by adding a clear call to action. Also try to focus on one message. Having too many messages increases the chance of misunderstanding or missing the information all together.

2) Let’s focus on utilizing a more impactful hero image. Try choosing an image that shows off your product clearly and allows for users to see it.

3) Highlight your social proof by bringing your reviews/happy customer count above the fold and into the hero text. Let users know that customers love your products.

4) Keep your product statement short and sweet so that the information stays above the fold. Introduce your business and products to new users quickly and efficiently.

5) Try adding your top benefits into the hero section as a bulleted list. This will make it easier for users to scan the information quickly.

6) Make sure that your CTA buttons are full-width on mobile to ensure that they are easily clickable.

7) Bring your products up the page so that users can find them right after the hero section. Show users your best products so that they can see what others have been purchasing.

Let me know if you want your site featured next!

More by Justin Doyle

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