Hallyu app • Branding

Hallyu is a study case for free community app focused on fans of K-Pop and South Korea culture. In addition to the main community functionality where fans can chat, share content and share some of their opinions, Hallyu is also a platform that seeks to facilitate schedule information, K-Pop concerts in Brazil, purchase tickets and also join stores. K-Pop articles.

Elements The brand construction was inspired by the letter "ㅐ" of the Korean alphabet, and the symbols after represents and the symbols after represent the propagation of the sound, as in a speaker symbol. And if you look at the complete shape, it resembles the shape of musical sound waves.

We want to pass a fluid brand so the letters was rounded and friendly.


The name came from the term originally known Korean with "Korean wave" or ”Hallyu”.

The brand construction was inspired by the letter "ㅐ" of the Korean alphabet, and the symbols after represents and the symbols after represent the propagation of the sound, as in a speaker symbol. And if you look at the complete shape, it resembles the shape of musical sound waves.

We want to pass a fluid brand so the letters was rounded and friendly.

Brand elements

The brand construction was inspired by the letter "ㅐ" of the Korean alphabet, and the symbols after represents and the symbols after represent the propagation of the sound, as in a speaker symbol. And if you look at the complete shape, it resembles the shape of musical sound waves.

We want to pass a fluid brand so the letters was rounded and friendly.

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Posted on Apr 12, 2024

More by Tathiane Avila

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