Address Service Deficiency

Problem Statement

Lack of reliable address recording impacts multiple functions

  • Sending correspondence to clients

  • Utilizing addresses for regulatory compliance

  • Addressing logistical considerations

Design Process

  1. Utilized systematic flow thinking to map out system functionalities.

  2. Collaborated with lead designer, product owner, and developers to define scope and solutions.

  3. Developed preliminary user interface based on findings.

  4. Engaged users to clarify interface functionalities and gather feedback.

  5. Utilized Failure Tree Analysis to systematically examine scenarios.

  6. Identified gaps and devised effective solutions for improvement.


Address Creation Functions

  • Address Detail: Multiple tags for displaying the status of addresses.

  • Country: A dropdown pattern for selecting the client's country for address entry.

  • Upload Document: An upload file pattern for selecting user documents, such as proof of address and scanned addresses, for various purposes.

  • Address Loqate: A dropdown input connected to the third-party service named Loqate for locating client addresses when necessary

  • Enter the Address manually: A button for users to manually input their address without utilizing third-party services."

General Info:

  • Address Line 1: A mandatory field for essential address information.

  • Address Line 2: An optional field for additional address information, dependent on the address format.

  • Address Line 3: Another optional field for additional address information, contingent upon the address format.

  • Building Name/Number: Separating this address section from other fields to facilitate its use in other third-party services for compliance checking.

  • Flat Number: Separating the address section from other fields to facilitate its use in other third-party services for compliance checking.

  • City: Separating the address section from other fields to enable its utilization in other third-party services for compliance checking.

  • Postcode: Separating the address section from other fields to utilize it in other third-party services for compliance checking.

Detail Info:

  • Address Type: A dropdown menu offering various address types, such as home, office, and correspondence addresses.

  • Start Date: Selecting the starting point of the address based on various human factors, manually chosen by the user.

  • End Date: Manually selecting the expiry date of the address based on various human factors

  • Proof of Address: Proof of Address: Selecting the type of address for PoA, which depends on several factors, with the initial selection made manually by the user.

  • Proof of Address Providing: Phase 2 of Proof of Address selection depends on various factors, with the initial choice made manually by the user.

Duplication Check Function

  • Defined an address duplication check to identify all created addresses with similar or identical entries in the system, providing users with hints for better decision-making.

Designing a system and defining new patterns and components.

  • Defined new essential patterns and components, outlining their functionalities, structure, and information architecture. Integrated these elements into the design of the system library.

  • Collaborated with the technical team to define the functions of each pattern and component, ensuring seamless integration with other similar materials in the library.

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