Exercise buddy, Share sport event application

This project is all about helping folks who felt super lonely during the pandemic because they couldn't hit the gym or work out with friends. And let's be real, we're all crazy busy nowadays, making it hard to find time for exercise buddies. But here's the cool thing: some people love having company when they work out because it keeps them motivated and they learn new stuff. So, we made this awesome app that hooks you up with a workout partner whenever you need one. It's like having a built-in gym buddy who pushes you to give it your all. So, say goodbye to lonely workouts and hello to making exercise a social and fun thing to do!

@Alireza Haji ali asghar

You can refer to Behance for reading our observations and proceedings in this journey.

Alireza Hajialiasghar
I dream my design and I design my dream! 👋 ⤵

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