Super Search

We’ve been talking a lot about the Super Bowl at Algolia over the past few weeks, and the general consensus is that we watch more for the commercials than the game. But as we started talking about commercials from years past and actually trying to find them, we realized it wasn’t easy to do.

So we started thinking...Algolia is a hosted search API that returns relevant results quickly, no matter the size of the data set. Why can’t we just make the Super Bowl ads searchable with Algolia?

We won’t admit how much time we’ve now wasted showing each other “the one with the flying baby” or “the one with Will Ferrell in that stupid outfit,” but we can tell you that actually building and implementing this demo only took us a day.

Check it out, watch some ads and let us know if you have any questions or want to build something similar for something you’re working on.


Posted on Feb 4, 2016

More by Kevin Granger

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