App for residents and superintendents of buildings

This is an app for residents and superintendents of buildings. It helps you gain access to better information about what’s going on in your building, how to report a problem for example when water is not working or fill a pool about a color of new doors in your building. Personally, the hardest task for me was to design a large menu while making it easy to find all information.

I love those screens about reporting your problem and fill pool because I took it as a chance to do it differently. If you find these screens interesting, I’m going to post a few more iterations of it in the next week. Are up for that?

This is project was a cooperation when I was part of @Soulmates, so thanks to @Charlie Isslander for help with the menu. We were inspired by this concept of bottom navigation

Thank you and have a lovely day!


Bell & Hurry
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