7 Examples Of Personalization And Customization For Better UX

Great UX design is a must, however it only makes the first impression. If you want to keep people engaged in using your app, you will need to allow them to customize or personalize the content. Janrain conducted a study which showed that 74% of users leave websites which are showing them content not related to their interests. According to Invesp 59% of online shoppers believe that it is easier to find more interesting products on personalized online retail stores, while 56% of online shoppers are more likely to return to a site that recommends products. It is clear that personalization and customization tools are an integral part of the digital enterprise.

Read the latest blog post 7 Examples Of Personalization And Customization For Better UX on our website.

Animation by @LukĆ”Å” StraÅˆĆ”k

Posted on Sep 8, 2017


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